Sterling Criblez

Sterling Criblez

Hardcore tv trailblazer. Extreme coffee scholar. Devoted internet ninja. Avid tv aficionado. Subtly charming travelaholic.

43 Posts Written
How Does Central Missouri's Education System Address LGBT Issues?

How Does Central Missouri's Education System Address LGBT Issues?

In many states and school districts, LGBT students and teachers are not provided with the protection they need from...

LGBT Healthcare Access in Central Missouri: Ensuring Equality for All

LGBT Healthcare Access in Central Missouri: Ensuring Equality for All

The LGBT community in Central Missouri is facing a unique challenge when it comes to healthcare access. Recently, the...

Supporting LGBT-Owned Businesses in Central Missouri

Supporting LGBT-Owned Businesses in Central Missouri

KANSAS CITY, Missouri is a city that is proud to be home to a vibrant and inclusive LGBTQ+ community. There are many...

Celebrating LGBT Pride in Central Missouri: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion

Celebrating LGBT Pride in Central Missouri: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion

The LGBT community in Central Missouri has come together to celebrate diversity and inclusion, showing the world the...

LGBT Resources in Central Missouri: What You Need to Know

LGBT Resources in Central Missouri: What You Need to Know

The LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) Resource Center at the University of Missouri (MU) provides a...

The Growing Acceptance of the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

The Growing Acceptance of the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

115 County in Central Missouri has an ordinance that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity in private...

LGBT Challenges in Central Missouri: Discrimination, Education, and Health

LGBT Challenges in Central Missouri: Discrimination, Education, and Health

LGBT individuals in Central Missouri face a range of challenges related to discrimination, education, and health....

Embracing Diversity: The LGBT Landscape In Central Missouri

Embracing Diversity: The LGBT Landscape In Central Missouri

Central Missouri, a region known for its picturesque landscapes and welcoming communities, is also home to a vibrant and...

Understanding Hate Crimes Against the LGBT Community in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Hate Crimes Against the LGBT Community in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

Hate crimes are a serious issue in Central Missouri, particularly those targeting the LGBT community. It is essential to...

Exploring LGBT-Friendly Areas in Central Missouri

Exploring LGBT-Friendly Areas in Central Missouri

Kansas City is one of the most LGBT-friendly cities in Missouri, and it is on the national list due to its open...

Creating a More Inclusive Society: Attitudes Towards LGBT Individuals in Central Missouri

Creating a More Inclusive Society: Attitudes Towards LGBT Individuals in Central Missouri

In terms of the stigma framework of sexual identity, individual manifestations of stigma are present in the first four...

Advocating for LGBT Equality in Central Missouri: A Guide for the LGBT Community

Advocating for LGBT Equality in Central Missouri: A Guide for the LGBT Community

The LGBT community in Central Missouri is a powerful force for advocating for the rights of marginalized groups. Reverend ...

LGBTQ Rights in Central Missouri: How the Local Media Can Make a Difference

LGBTQ Rights in Central Missouri: How the Local Media Can Make a Difference

In the few cases where pro-LGBTQ politicians have asserted their faith in response to the anti-LGBTQ position of their...

LGBTQ+ Activism in Central Missouri: Notable Figures and Activists

LGBTQ+ Activism in Central Missouri: Notable Figures and Activists

The LGBTQ+ community in Central Missouri has a long and proud history of activism and advocacy. From the early days of...

Central Missouri: A Safe Haven for the LGBT Community

Central Missouri: A Safe Haven for the LGBT Community

The LGBT community in Central Missouri is a unique and welcoming place for individuals of all sexual orientations and...

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Workplace for LGBT Employees in Central Missouri

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Workplace for LGBT Employees in Central Missouri

Diversity is an essential part of our organizational life, and it is reflected in the people we teach, work with, serve,...

Exploring the Intersection of Race and LGBT Experiences in Central Missouri

Exploring the Intersection of Race and LGBT Experiences in Central Missouri

Without a doubt, it is evident that race and the experiences of LGBT individuals in Central Missouri are intertwined. For ...

Understanding the Challenges Faced by Transgender People in Central Missouri

Understanding the Challenges Faced by Transgender People in Central Missouri

Transgender people in Central Missouri face a unique set of challenges that can have a significant impact on their...

LGBTQ Support in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

LGBTQ Support in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

Kansas City, Missouri, has been a leader in the region when it comes to initiatives that support the LGBTQ community. The ...

Religion and the Acceptance of the LGBT Community in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

Religion and the Acceptance of the LGBT Community in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

Religion has been a source of contention when it comes to the acceptance of the LGBT community, and Central Missouri is...

LGBTQ+ Representation in Media and Entertainment in Central Missouri: A Closer Look

LGBTQ+ Representation in Media and Entertainment in Central Missouri: A Closer Look

The current state of LGBTQ+ representation in media and entertainment in Central Missouri is a complex one. On the one...

Exploring the LGBT Landmarks of Central Missouri

Exploring the LGBT Landmarks of Central Missouri

Central Missouri is home to a number of significant landmarks and symbols that represent the LGBTQ community. From the...

LGBTQIA+ Friendly Businesses in Central Missouri: A Guide for Supporting the Local Community

LGBTQIA+ Friendly Businesses in Central Missouri: A Guide for Supporting the Local Community

The Grove neighborhood in Central Missouri is a vibrant, modern, diverse and inclusive area that is the perfect place to...

The Power of Social Media in Connecting and Uniting the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

The Power of Social Media in Connecting and Uniting the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

In recent years, social media has become an increasingly powerful tool for connecting and uniting the LGBT community in...

The Power of Social Events and Gatherings in Strengthening the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

The Power of Social Events and Gatherings in Strengthening the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

LGBT pride events, rallies, and marches for LGBT rights are a popular way for gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals to show...

LGBT Seniors in Central Missouri: Challenges and Solutions

LGBT Seniors in Central Missouri: Challenges and Solutions

SAGE is the leading organization in the United States devoted to improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and...

Exploring the Diverse and Vibrant LGBT Community in Central Missouri

Exploring the Diverse and Vibrant LGBT Community in Central Missouri

The LGBT community in Central Missouri is a vibrant and diverse group of individuals who have faced discrimination and...

LGBTQ Rights in Central Missouri: Ensuring Equality for All

LGBTQ Rights in Central Missouri: Ensuring Equality for All

Greg Razer is the only openly gay member of the Missouri State Senate, a legislature that continues to discriminate...

Employment Opportunities for LGBT People in Central Missouri

Employment Opportunities for LGBT People in Central Missouri

LGBT individuals in Central Missouri face a unique set of challenges when it comes to employment. A recent report...

LGBT Youth in Central Missouri: Challenges and Solutions

LGBT Youth in Central Missouri: Challenges and Solutions

LGBT youth in Central Missouri face a unique set of challenges, from discrimination and intolerance in school settings to ...

LGBT Rights in Central Missouri: A Historical Journey

LGBT Rights in Central Missouri: A Historical Journey

Steven Louis Brawley still remembers the first year that St. Louis PrideFest officially moved downtown, and the man who...

Promoting LGBT Rights in Central Missouri: What Initiatives and Campaigns are Available?

Promoting LGBT Rights in Central Missouri: What Initiatives and Campaigns are Available?

LGBTQ rights have become an increasingly important issue in recent years, and Central Missouri is no exception. From...

Exploring the History of the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

Exploring the History of the LGBT Community in Central Missouri

As LGBTQ identity began to take shape in the mid-to-late 19th century, Missouri's municipal and state government...

The Role of Family and Community Support for LGBT Individuals in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

The Role of Family and Community Support for LGBT Individuals in Central Missouri: A Comprehensive Guide

The United States government website,, is owned by an official government organization in the United States. The ...